"He told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Go!... '"
Luke 10:2-3
Yesterday Peter and I were in Waterford for WIT’s Societies Day. There are about three people in the WIT CU out of a student population of about 10,000. We sat at the table for almost two hours without anyone signing up. I sat there silently praying that God would bring at least one solid, evangelical Christian and one seeker to sign up. By the end of the day we had about six names, three of which seemed seriously interested. By American standards this seems so tiny! Some people might call it a failure. But if those three people come to CU, it will DOUBLE in size!
On the flip side, last night was UCC CU’s first meeting. Although we had about one hundred sign up at societies day, we didn’t know how many to expect. But we prayed for many hungry, seeking hearts. I was blown away when I opened the door to the Peters’ house and people came streaming in! I lost count but there were at least fifty students jammed into that house!
After the contrast in yesterday’s events, God gave me this word last night:
Even in seemingly “small” ministries where there isn’t a big harvest being brought in, God is there and He is working. Our work is not in vain. Churches that are getting hundreds of decisions every week aren’t better or more important or more worthy than our ministry. If one person has a seed planted, our ministry is just as successful as dozens coming to salvation. Our job is to spread the Word. It’s the Spirit’s job to work in their hearts. Don’t be discouraged by small turn outs. God is working in every scenario and every group. He has His reasons and His timing and they are perfect. Bathe it all in prayer. He answers prayer! (You’ve seen it!) He alone saves souls! He will fulfill His promise: every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. (Philippians 2:10-11)
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