...Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith...

Hebrews 12:1-2

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


It is my last week of life in Ireland. Up until this point I've been trying to ignore the fact that I have to go back to Philly, but I can no longer use my defense mechanism of pretending its not happening. I've had a few weeks after Relay to reflect on this year and how its changed me as a person, and when I was thinking of how to possibly sum it all up, I thought of something that happened a couple of weeks ago:

I was at the Peters' house for a Tuesday night dinner with a bunch of people. Some of my new American friends were teasing me that when I talk to Irish people I suddenly sound Irish myself. (I am aware that this happens but I promise you I don't do it on purpose... it's just what happens when you live in a different country for a year). So when Abigail (an Irish student) sat down to talk with us, suddenly all eyes (ears) were on me to hear my accent change. Knowing they were listening, I refused to speak more than a couple of words at a time, much to the frustration of the Americans in the room. Zach filled Abigail in on our conversation about my accents and asked her if she heard it. Her response, though not intended to be profound in any way, really struck a chord with me. She said, "I don't hear Irish or American. It's just Sam." 

I am neither Irish nor American (or maybe I'm both). I don't belong here nor there (or maybe I belong in both places). I am just Sam.

More importantly, my nationality is "child of God" and my citizenship is in God's Kingdom. I can live anywhere in the world and have any profession but my adoption as God's child will not change. My identity is secure in Him. This world will crumble and fade away, but my home in heaven will always be there.

Leaving Ireland is sad. This has been my home for the past 11 months. I've made friends and family here. But I know that whether I'm in Cork, Philly, or somewhere else in the world, my citizenship is in heaven. Whether I feel Irish or American, or whether I speak in a Cork or Philly accent, I am first and foremost a Christian.  No matter where I am or what I'm doing, I can take comfort in knowing that I am in Christ.

"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ"
Philippians 3:20

"But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,  to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir."
Galatians 4:4-7 

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post Sam! Hope you enjoy your leaving party and have a safe journey home! Jenna
